Connie Saylor Johnson Wilderness Education Grant
We are pleased to announce the inaugural round of wilderness education grant awards to five organizations in Idaho and Montana!
The Connie Saylor Johnson Wilderness Education Fund (CSJWEF) will provide support to the following projects focused on wilderness stewardship:
Pulaski Users Group, Hailey, ID – A project to develop Wilderness Readers that include wilderness information for trail restoration volunteers.
Grangeville Elementary School, Grangeville, ID – Field trips for second and third graders to local natural ecosystems to learn about wilderness.
One Stone Lab51, Boise, ID – An immersion course for high school students that includes a backpacking trip, readings and interviews.
Helena Indian Alliance, Helena, MT – A weekend retreat for native youth to Blackfeet Nation, which includes a camping trip, skill building and conversations with elders.
Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute, Moscow, ID – An outdoor education program for students of 6 to 12 years to learn about no-trace camping, fire starting and wilderness survival.
In the News:
Nature Explorers in the News! Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute newsletter. February 2022.
One Stone School Receives Wilderness Education Grant. Idaho Press (Boise).
GEMS teachers awarded grants for wilderness education. Idaho County Free Press. February 16, 2022.
Foundation awards inaugural round of wilderness education grant awards. Ravalli Republic. February 3, 2022.
Inaugural grants awarded by Connor Saylor Johnson Wilderness Education Fund. Lewiston Tribune. January 31, 2022.
CSJWEF Awards Announcement. McCall Star-News. January 18, 2022.
Helena Indian Alliance secures grant to support retreat for native youth. Helena Independent Record. March 28, 2022.