Your Donations Make a Difference
Your donations put boots on the ground, tools in the dirt, and connect people & communities to Wilderness.
If you would like to make a general donation or become a member of SBFC, please click here.
sbfc programs & Giving options
You can choose the impact of your donation by contributing to one of our many programs. Learn more about each program:
The SBFC Wilderness Ranger Fellow (WRF) program provides an immersive 14 week experience in wilderness stewardship for college students and military veterans. The goal of the program is to train, educate, mentor, and provide employment development opportunities while providing skilled support to the US Forest Service to accomplish priority wilderness work.
The Youth Wilderness Program is an opportunity for teens to immerse themselves in Wilderness. SBFC is dedicated to cultivating in youth an appreciation for Wilderness, public land, and public service, fostering the next generation of Wilderness stewards. Through hands-on conservation work, experiential learning, and plenty of recreation, youth will engage the land and learn the true meaning of Wilderness.
The Connie Saylor Johnson Wilderness Education Fund was established in 2019, to honor the memory of Connie Saylor Johnson. This fund enables the Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation to provide incentive grants for educators and educational organizations to incorporate the stewardship of wilderness and natural ecosystems into classroom and/or outdoor curriculum.
Through a planned gift, you can ensure the future of the Selway Bitterroot and Frank Church Wilderness areas. Legacy givers include SBFC in their estate plans, and enjoy substantial tax advantages in their perpetual support of our stewardship mission.
Including SBFC in your estate plans helps cement your wilderness legacy forever, and will provide generations the opportunity to experience the Selway and the Frank.
Options for planned giving:
Life Insurance
Retirement Plan
Charitable Gift Annuity
Give the gift of an SBFC Membership! Your gift recipient will receive a personal welcome packet and will become an annual SBFC member for one year. We can include a personal message from you with their gift!
All members receive early registration for volunteer projects, special event perks, invitations to meet Wilderness Ranger Fellows and staff, an annual gift magnet, and our triannual newsletter, The Wildest Place, delivered to their mailbox.
All donations of $30+ automatically qualify you for an SBFC membership. Members receive early registration to volunteer projects, special event perks, invitations to meet Wilderness Ranger Fellows and staff, an annual gift magnet, and our triannual newsletter, The Wildest Place, delivered directly to your mailbox.