A Subtle Reminder

Enzo Santarone

Wilderness Ranger Fellow

Payette National Forest | Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness

Editor’s Note: Enzo was immersed at the Chamberlain Guard Station all summer (June-August). He handwrote / mailed his blog post to the SBFC offices.

A Subtle Reminder:

To the wolf on the far ridge 

I’m glad to have heard your call 

I was lost in the trance a campfire puts you in

When you stare too long 

Waiting for the rain to cease

And too busy thinking about when I would be able to dry my socks 

Tending to the blisters left by my ax’s handle 

Your call was a reminder of where I truly was

Author’s Note:

Because I simply do not say it enough, thank you to all of those who have contributed to or aided me in my journey leading me to where I am as I write this letter. To my parents, thank you for instilling in me a curiosity to seek out the adventures in life. To my loving and supportive partner, thank you for the letters, dehydrated camp meals, and snacks. My life would be a dull and hunger-filled one without you. To all SBFC staff and Wilderness Rangers Fellows, thank you for sharing your perspectives, stories, and camp food recipes; the memories made in Missoula will be cherished. To USFS Rangers Ben Cartwright and Kaylee Fritchen, I can’t thank you enough for your service and support to the vast wilderness surrounding us. 

A photo/video review of Enzo’s summer:


Payette National Forest | Frank Church-RONR Wilderness

Boise State University

Major: Environmental Studies

Enzo was born in Boise, Idaho, and was raised immersed in the outdoors with experiences like sailing, hunting, and fishing with friends and family. Through his experiences in the outdoors, Enzo has fostered a connection with and love for nature. He hopes to contribute to the work that allows others to find this same connection.