Welcome to our archives & interviews page, in which we share stories and images related to the history of the Selway Bitterroot Frank Church Foundation. If you would like to contribute to this project, please contact info@selwaybitterroot.org.
Guest Article | Wilderness Teaches Life Lessons
Bonnie Ricord - 2013 Wilderness Ranger Fellow
Journal Entry | Hosting at Moose Creek Ranger Station During COVID-19
Stan and Ellen Hall - SBFC Cabin Host Volunteers
Video | CatRock Ventures Service Trip to the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness
Megan Robertson - 2019 CatRock Ventures Volunteer Trip Leader
Jeff Padgett - SBFC Volunteer
Essay | St. Mary Lookout: A Brief History
Gordon Schofield - SBFC Volunteer
Video | My Summer as a Wilderness Ranger
Jacob Mandell & Jack Markoski - 2013 Wilderness Ranger Interns on the Salmon-Challis National Forest
Journal Entry | Cabin Hosting at Moose Creek, 2012
Ronnie Metcalfe & Chris Chouinard - SBFC Volunteers
Claire Voris - 2016 Wilderness Ranger Intern on the Bitterroot National Forest
Video | Landing at Moose Creek
Bill McGlynn - SBFC Volunteer