Megan Robertson - CatRock Ventures Volunteer Trip Leader

In 2019, six students and two leaders from the CatRock Ventures Youth Leadership Academy traveled from the Bronx to Montana for a second year of partnership with SBFC. CatRock Ventures invests in Bronx youth by facilitating transformative outdoor experiences and community service learning opportunities. Through wilderness immersion, students gain leadership skills and learn about environmental stewardship.

Led by Megan Robertson and Nick Radulescu from CatRock and Natalie Stockman from SBFC, the crew spent a week working on the Big Creek Trail #11 in the Bitterroot National Forest, Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. They accomplished over five miles of trail clearing while practicing their wilderness skills! This video, created by Megan Robertson, tells the story of their experience.

About Megan Robertson

CatRock Ventures Volunteer Trip Leader

Megan Robertson has spent most of her life in various locations on the east coast but loves taking trips out west and exploring National Parks and Wilderness areas. She has degrees in mathematics and statistics, and currently works as a data scientist. She is very passionate about empowering youth through outdoor trips and leadership training. Megan volunteers with Sierra Club's Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) New York City chapter and CatRock Ventures to support outings for NYC youth and diversify outdoor spaces. She also loves capturing the beautiful outdoor spaces she visits via photography and videography.



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